[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″]No, there isn't a utility to compact this database like an Aldelo For Restaurants Database. If your credit cards seem to be running slow this could be because of the size of the EDC database, the only thing that can be done at this point is to delete the database and setup a new one. This is not reccomended unless you absolutely know what you are doing. please contact tech support,they will first identify if your edc db is too large.
To setup this Groupon in Aldelo go to your back office and then navigate to setup at the top of the screen. Then highlight general settings and click on discounts. When the discounts menu comes up click on new in the bottom left, and then give the discount a name "Groupon 10" and make the discount amount 20 and change the Basis to currency. Then fill in the rest of the information if any of it applies and click on save.

Credit cards process very slow. my internet speed is fine but my EDC database is a few years old and the file size is getting large. Is there a way to compact the EDC database?
When I weigh an item, the weight comes up almost immediately on the scale but my POS takes almost 5 seconds to display the same weight on the screen. Is there a way to make this faster or a reason why?
Yes, there is an update that can change the refresh rate from the scale to the computer, a small software upgrade is available for this.
How do I close out of Comcash?
There are three types of "Close Outs" in Comcash POS
Close out by Register; Close out by Cashier; and Close out Entire Store. Typically you will either closes out by Register or By cashier and then close the entire store. In other words it does not make sense to close out by both cashier and by register. So, you will want to decide between close out by cashier or close out by register and then use access options to disable the one that will not be used. This way users will not be able to do it incorrectly.
1. Close out by Register;
This close out procedure will close all unclosed sales transactions currently assigned to this register. This is the most common close out and is designed to allow you to balance your drawer. You will count all the Cash and checks in the drawer. You can specify how much to leave in the drawer and the rest is dropped (dropped in the safe or simply put aside to be included in the nightly deposit). Use this close out when each register has only one drawer.
2. Close out by Cashier;
This close out procedure will close all unclosed sales transactions currently assigned to the cashier that is currently logged in. This type of close out is the best choice when you have two drawers on one register or when a cashier caries his/her drawer with them (a floating cash drawer). This close out procedure can also be useful to do a quick shift change. This is where a outgoing cashier takes his/her till out of the cash drawer and an incoming cashier puts their till in and begins taking sales immediately. The out going cashier can then take their till to the back room to count the cash and checks and complete the Closeout by cashier on the back office computer. Again the cashier will specify how much to leave in the drawer and the rest is dropped (dropped in the safe or simply put aside to be included in the nightly deposit).
3. Close Entire Store
This close out should be done daily as part of your daily closing routine. You should preview the report so that you can verify the credit card totals match the reports in PC Charge; on Mercury's web site; or on you stand alone credit card machine. Also, the drops total should match the physical drops you have. This is where one typically prepares the nightly bank deposit.
POS freezes when tendering sales
If you are using version of Comcash and experience a problem with the POS freezing for a long time after trying to tender a sale it is most likely because you have selected the Star Receipt type for your receipts. To correct this log in to the Comcash Manager and go to Management > Registers > Edit > Receipts and make sure all receipts ahave the printer type set to Generic rather than Star.
How do I setup customer loyalty in Comcash?
Basically we want to start by going into manager-->configuration-->edit-->customer loyalty tab-->I usually look at the next step as how much money do you want the customer to spend before they receive a reward. My example is 100$, which we will put into the redeem field for customer loyalty-->the dollar amount to reward will be the amount of store credit that the customer will get under their account when they spend 100$-->my example will be when they spend the $100, they will receive a $5 dollar reward on their account. That reward amount should be put in the dollar amount to reward field.
Points to notify cashier is optional and is just a reminder to inform the cashier if the customer is close, that they can go buy something else to reach that. Allow discount just means any discounted item cannot be applied under the loyalty reward.
Generate Points Based off of $ Spent is to be used if you would like to calculate points on the $ amount of invoices , instead of a product level. If you are only accepting customer loyalty points for certain products you cannot use this option. Furthermore, if you have this selected, and also have points set for your individual product, your customer will receive points for the $ amount of invoice + product points. It is recommended to use one or the other, set up your points @ the product level, or use Generate Points Based off of $ spent.
That is the base set-up. If you do not use Generate Points Based off of $ spent, you must set points up for each product you want to associate with customer loyalty.
Now we can go into applying points and setting customers.
To apply the points, you can always just edit the product-->go to special tab and put a value of how many points will be accrued when that product is purchased. This route is very manual, so we have the option of going into manager-->global settings-->global customer loyalty-->Here you can select all products or break down by smaller options-->next, I generally push ratio money to points, since I like the spend $100 and get a reward route. Now if we put $1 at the bottom for ratio money to points and click apply changes, it will look to each product and give a point per dollar, so if the product is 1.99, they will get 1.99 points. And when they reach 100, they receive a 5 dollar reward.
As far as the customer goes, we just need to edit an existing customer or when creating a new one, click the customer loyalty checkbox, so they will be eligible. When this customer now makes purchases that total $100, they will have a balance of $5 dollars under their house account. If they are to redeem this $5 dollar reward, then the cashier must do a split, if the sale $5 dollars or more, to house account at $5 and the remainder under any which way the customer would like to pay.
That is the gist of the customer loyalty set-up. There are a few tangents we can take, but I have found this to be the least painful, and easiest to double check on. One other thing, when you add a new product, the system will not auto apply the customer point value under the product, you will need to edit it manually, or go to global settings and repeat the prior step to apply a point value.
Hopefully this helps out.
How do I fix error 500 when tendering sales?
This solution is a result of an issue I resolved on a 64-bit OS running Vista Ultimate and using an HP laserjet for Invoice printing.
Initially I was getting error 500 (not enough memory) when trying to tender. After that I got an error 114 (Cannot find report) when trying to print invoices from InvoiceLookup tool. After that I got an error 532 (cannot find database DLL) when trying to run All Transactions report. First thing I did was make sure they had the latest Crystall DLL pack installed but that did not seem to have any effect on the issue. Next I installed the x64 install of the SQL Server 2005 Backwards Compatibility pack from the following Microsoft page:
After installing this pack and restarting all software I was able to tender, run reports, and print invoices without any problems.
My Cash Drawer is not opening with Star TSP 100
If you are able to open the Cash Drawer using the Test Drawer in MAN and also with the Star Micronics Config Utility but cannot get the drawer to pop when tendering it may be a device setting on the printer itself.
Try the following:
1) Go to Printers in Windows > Star Pinter > Properties > Device Settings
2) Set Cash Drawer 1 to "Open after printing" or "Open Before Printing". Make sure it is not set to "Do Not Open".
You can also try increasing the Pule Time in these same Device Settings for the open drawer pulse if the machine is very slow.
How can I use coupons in Comcash?
Comcash can use coupons. In order for comcash to recognize coupons they need to be added into the system as a Comcash product
To do this create a new product in Comcash.
For the plu enter or scan in the barcode number
For description enter the name of the discount. Example: 5 dollar off coupon
For price enter a negative value that is the amount of the discount. Example: -5
To print coupons open Comcash Inventory > Labels > Barcode Labels
Select the coupons you would like to print and print them
What antivirus to you recommend?
We recommend using AVG antivirus software, you can download a free version and it updates for free as well.
How do I find my computers IP address?
click start/run type "cmd" go to the command line and type in ipconfig /all
For some windows based software , click control panel/network connections/ look for local area connection or "LAN"
double click then go to support and details.
My Weightronix 6720 scale has an “Error-3” on the display and won’t weigh anything. What does it mean and how do I fix it?
this error would tell you that when the scale is being powered on it cannot establish a zero weight instance. Either something is touching the platter, or the platter just isn't sitting right on the scale. Make sure there is nothing touching the platter of the scale and it is positioned correctly unplug the scale from the power source wait about 20 seconds and plug it back in.If the problem continues the scale may need to be recalibrated.
Comcash Prompts for Registration Codes when thumb drive is plugged in
The registration code in Comcash is specific to a hardware profile i.e., we license the software to run on a specific machine. Adding a drive (Thumb Drive, USB drive, IPOD, or external HDD) significantly changes the hardware profile and can sometimes cause Comcash's security features to prompt for a new Reg code for this hardware profile. This is by design. You CAN use your external drive and Comcash at the same time if Comcash is running when you plug in your hard drive. You will not be able to re-launch Comcash until you remove the external drive.
For back up purposes, always back up to the LOCAL C: drive and then copy the .bak file to an external drive if you wish.
Why do I get an “Invalid Expiration Date” when processing credit cards, with pcCharge
A. The expiration date is invalid or expired
B. The 'Last Valid Year' setting in pcCharge is incorrect
To Resolve:
* Verify that the merchants system time is set correct on the PCCharge machine.
* Go to Setup -> Configure System (In PCCharge Pro) or Setup -> Preferences (in PCCharge Payment Server & Express)
* The setting for 'Last Valid Year' needs to be set to current year plus 15. Example: If the current year is 2006, the last valid year would be set to 21
Additional Comments
If there is a Point of Sale (POS) software being used, many of them have their own settings for the expiration dates. If the merchant can run a transaction successfully in PCCharge but not in the POS. The Merchant will need to work with the POS helpdesk to find their settings for the expiration dates.
This is documented in pcCharge Knowledgebase
what does error 515 on receipts mean?
If it says something about header or footer too long, have them shorten up the headers and footers in the receipt configuration areas. There's a 40 character limit on those fields (40 columns, hence 40 characters.) but it currently isn't cutting off.
How do I configure and print gift receipts in Comcash ?
Open Comcash Manager go to registers. Edit the register and go to the receipt tab.
Select the sales receipt and increase the copyno by 1 (ex 2 copies)
Click configure
In the top right of the receipt config increase the copyno (ex 2)
On the left side of the receipt config you can uncheck all the options like price, line items etc
Click save
Note: If you don't want the gift receipt to print every time set the copyno back to the original number (ex 1)
Printing the receipt:
To print the gift receipt ring up your product and click tender
On the tender screen click receipt copies = default. Click it to change the copyno to the gift receipt, receipt number (ex receipt copes = 2). Then tender out.
Your gift receipt will now print.
Why is my register printing an extra copy of my receipts?
go to manager > management > registers > receipts > hit the drop down
select 'Start ticket' 'End ticket' 'In Work' to 0 copies
then go to Utilities > expand Comcash Database > go to receiptdetails
you will see these records listed
select 'Start ticket' row press ctrl+del to delete
select 'End ticket' row press ctrl+del to delete
select 'In Work' row press ctrl+del to delete
Everything on my menu is taxed and I’ve double checked that all menu items have tax associated with them – but I’m still getting non-taxable sales when I run a sales report! Am I doing something wrong?
On this I would start by checking your services under your store settings, it is possible that you have your dine in services set up to be tax exempt. You would see this if there is a check placed next to the second option down under any of these services. Also, your take out could be set to be tax exempt and if your dine in orders are then being rang up under the take out option the end result would be these items would end up being tax exempt as well.
What does the “compact database” button form the back office do?
Periodically (for example, every two weeks), use the Compact Database feature in the Back Office. Compacting the database shrinks it and re-claims its unused space. This makes the database smaller, faster, and more efficient. To compact the database, go to the computer that holds the database. Close all other client stations connected to this database computer. Navigate to the Back Office and click “Compact Database” to start the compaction process. Once finished, you are notified that the compact process has been completed successfully.
How can I get my businesses logo to be a screensaver on my computer?
In order to do this you will need to get a picture of your business logo onto your computer. After that you should put it in a folder by itself or other pictures you would want to be on the screen saver. Now right click on your desktop and go to properties and select the screen saver tab. You want to select my pictures slideshow in the dropdown menu, but you will have to go to the settings and select the folder that your desired picture is located in.
My touchscreen is out of alignment – when I touch the screen it isn’t accurate anymore, how do I recalibrate my screen?
In order to do this you first might need to hook up a mouse and then will need to go to the start button in windows and select the control panel, and in some cases"all programs". Then select the program responsible for driving your touch screen display. After opening this program there should be an option to calibrate, or align the screen. After selecting this option just follow the on screen instructions.If the touchscreen does'nt work at all or is not responding to calibration contact the manufacturer or if you need assistance reloading touchscreen software call our support department
What is the difference between a router and a switch?
Switches create a network.
Routers connect networks.
Routers link computers to the Internet, so users can share the connection. A router acts as a dispatcher, choosing the best path for information to travel so it's received quickly.Some routers have multiple ports "4 port router,8 port router" etc. If you only have 3 computers on your network , it is possible to use only your 4 port router as it will suffice.
If you have let's say, 10 computers you will need to add a switch to the system to expand to more than 4 ports to accomodate the additional computers on the network.
Most business networks today use switches to connect computers, printers and servers within a building or campus. A switch serves as a controller, enabling networked devices to talk to each other efficiently. Through information sharing and resource allocation, switches save businesses money and increase employee productivity.
How do I connect the cash drawer to my computer?
The cash drawer isn't connected directly to the computer it is connected to the printer due to the printer triggering the cash drawer. This is connected with a cable that represents a telephone line.
My display is showing the price on two lines, how do i fix it?
In the Aldelo software navigate to the back office and station settings. Next you want to select the port settings and next to the "Home" Control Code make sure it says either C012 or C013. In order to see if either of these codes work for you, you will have to enter the code go to done and then return to the POS screen and then check your display if the first one doesn't work try the second one
How do I check the balance on a gift card?
Simply swipe the giftcard on the main POS screen and it will display the remaining balance of that card.
How do I check the balance on a gift card?
Simply swipe the giftcard on the main POS screen and it will display the remaining balance of that card.
How can I tell what model my system is? How do I tell what hardware I have?
Click on the specific model for specific support information and downloads. Some common models are the:
Breeze by Touch Dynamic
CPU: Intel Atom, Intel Atom Dual Core, Intel Celeron, Intel Core2Duo
Operating System: Windows XP Pro, Windows POSReady2009.
Notes: Serial number and cables connect below screen. Optional integrated MSR on right and customer display on back. Can be wall mounted.
FEC Gladius
CPU: Intel Pentium 4
Operating System: Windows XP Pro
Notes: Large external power supply with fan. Serial number and cables connect at the base. Optional integrated MSR on right and customer display on pole. Heavy metal frame.
SAM4S SPT-3000
CPU: Intel Atom,
Operating System: Windows XP Pro, Windows XP Embedded
Notes: Built in MSR and optional rear display.

I changed my restaurant name, how do I change this in aldelo?
I changed my restaurant name, how do I change this in aldelo?
In order to change your registration with aldelo you will have to contact them directly and there is a fee associated with this due to them having to update their servers.How do I backup my POS and how often should I do this?
To back up the database, navigate to the Back Office and click on the “Backup Database” button. Select the folder where the backup database will be stored. We have provided a backup folder for your use in the Aldelo For Restaurants folder during setup. After you have selected the folder for the backup, click the “Backup” button. After the backup is complete, a confirmation window displays a message that the back up is complete. The database, the adResSettings.dat, and the asResHostess.dat file are backed up. Keep these files safe and always keep a second location for the backup, just in case your primary backup is damaged. Your database should be backed up at the very minimum once a week.

I have a new employee whats the best way to train them on the Aldelo system?
The most practical way would be to put the system into training mode.(operations/other tools/to training mode). Now if you only have one station this could be difficult since by doing this you are taken out of your current database and put into a training database. When in this mode printers will be disabled so you dont accidently send orders to the kitchen. Note:when in training mode the bottom of the screen will flash"training mode".
Be advised that any changes you make in your system while in this mode will not affect your Live Database.
So don't add employees,change prices etc. or you'll have to do the work again when you switch back to Live mode. The next suggested thing would be to have the trainee shadow an employee for a day, and then have them doing a reverse shadow very soon. There is nothing that helps more in the training of software applications then hands on experience.
My business is offering a $10 for $20 Groupon deal? How would I set this up in Aldelo?
Aldelo Groupon Settings

My kitchen printer won’t print in aldelo or windows how do I test?
Run a self test on the printer to make sure it can print at all, you can do this by holding down the feed button switching the power off and then back on. If the test print has the ip address of the printer you can put this in your browser example do not add www. If the printer loads a web page it is communicating.
Also try going to printers and faxes, right click on the kitchen printer,or highlight then click on "file" then goto "properties", click "print test page"
If this works, check the settings in your point of sale software.
Aldelo Minimum Requirements
Server Hardware Requirements: Configured Purpose: Used for point of sale activities, storage of POS Database, hosting of Aldelo EDC payment software as well as other related software solutions to enhance store operations.
- Supported Operating Systems: Windows XP Pro SP3, Vista 7 SP2, Win 7, Server 2003, Server 2008 Foundation, Server 2008, Server 2008 R2
- Windows Services: Internet Information Services (IIS)
- CPU: 2.0 GHz or Better Intel Based
- RAM: 2 GB or More
- Video: Graphic Card with 8 MB or More Video RAM, and Supporting 800 x 600 Resolution
- Hard Drive: 10 GB or More Free Space
- RAID 1: Strongly Recommended
- NIC: 100 Mbit or 1 Gbit
- Input: Resistive Touch Screen (If Also Used as POS Workstation)
- Printer: Thermal Receipt Printer with USB Interface (If Also Used as POS Workstation)
- Cash Drawer: Printer Driven Interface (If Also Used as POS Workstation with Cashier Ability)
- Supported Operating Systems: Windows XP Pro SP3, XP Embedded, WEPOS, POSReady, Vista SP2, Win 7, Server 2003, Server 2008 Foundation, Server 2008, Server 2008 R2
- CPU: 1.5 GHz or Better Intel Based
- RAM: 1 GB or More
- Video: Graphic Card with 8 MB or More Video RAM, and Supporting 800 x 600 Resolution
- Hard Drive: 2 GB or More Free Space
- RAID 1: Strongly Recommended If Computer Contains POS Database
- NIC: 100 Mbit or 1 Gbit
- Input: Resistive Touch Screen
- Printer: Thermal Receipt Printer with USB Interface
- Cash Drawer: Printer Driven Interface (If Cashier Ability is Needed)
Aldelo Error 3251
Aldelo error 3251 is a database corruption eror, This error requires the database to be repaired. This should be done by a trained technician. Please contact one of our support staff today. The process takes about 10min-60min depending on database size and corruption. This Error is usually caused by network errors or poorly configured network settings.
Shoreline Technical supports the following point of sale products: Aldelo POS, Aldelo Touch, Softouch POS, Comcash POS and PC America
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